Huppu on valmistunut, mutta tarvitsen kiinnitykseen kissanappien kanssa yhteen sopivia nappeja. Koko on juuri sopiva peikkotytölle. Lankana Novitan Bambu ja 3,5 puikot. Mielestäni huppari on tosi kaunis ja käytössä kätevä kun huppu on irroitettava! Linkki Ullaneuleen ohjeeseen on alla olevassa postissa!
Melian is almost ready; only hood is missing because I need more buttons. I hope I will find wooden ones that fits perfectly with these cat-buttons!
Melian is almost ready; only hood is missing because I need more buttons. I hope I will find wooden ones that fits perfectly with these cat-buttons!
it looks great :o)
.....I'm so ashamed I haven't sent my little presents for your girls have been waiting for me to go to the post office for months.
I'll try to do my best to sent them + my letter by the end of september !
Tosi kiva takki ja ihanat kissanapit :)
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