Thursday, June 05, 2008

Alpakkaa, alpakkaa!

Hiljaksiin etenee. Dropsin vauvannuttu on jo kaarrokkeessa ja edelleen olen aivan hulluna tuohon alpakkaan. Eilen illalla laskin silmukkamääriä ja edelleenkin oli mielestäni yksi liikaa kun aloitin kaarrokkeen - otin sitten pois.

This is going to be ready soon - I will take it for my summer job! Drops for the baby and yarn is drops alpaca.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the note in english , that's great for me to understand !
I like this pattern very much.
Do you like the drops alpaca ? Is it nice even after washing ?
see you :o)

Manteli said...

This is the first time I'm using DROPS Alpaca so I haven't got experiences of the washing this yarn. What about other readers?